Davis 6510SER WeatherLink Serial Connection for Vantage Vue and PRO 2

WeatherLink PC Software
See current conditions at a glance on the instant weather bulletin. Graph data on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis. Or view multiple weather variables at the same time to see their relationships. Create Weather Watcher Reports in NOAA National Climatic Data Center Format. View special reports on heating degree days, cooling degree days, and fuel-oil demand. With optional sensors, see reports on evapotranspiration, leaf wetness, soil moisture, soil temperature, sunburn risk for each skin type, and solar energy.
System Requirements
Software requires Windows 95/NT4.0/98SE/2000/ME/XP with serial port. Also compatible with the ModBus or BACNet modules for PLC integration. Includes software on CD, data logger, and 2.4m cable to connect the data logger to an RS232 port.